Catawba Chief Donald Rogers [AP Photo]

Friday, April 30, 2010

With hope and Direction: Catawba Tribal Administration

       In July of 2007, the Catawba Nation welcomed their newly appointed administrators to office. The Nation had not held such an election for over thirty years. The new leaders, Chief: Donald Rodgers, Assistant Chief: Gene Blue, and Secretary-treasurer: Jason M. Harris had their work cut out for them. “Our people are just like the river that has been stagnated. We just have not progressed. We’ve got to move that dam out of the way and start flowing again, so we can get our waters running and purified”, asserted Chief Rodgers, recognizing that he had not inherited an easy task.                                            
       In the years before the election of the current counsel the tribe teetered precariously with divided membership, questionable bookkeeping, and loss of federal financial support. It seems however that under the new administration, the bends in the river have softened and the dams slowly but surely wash away.
In the nation’s most recent quarterly newsletter Chief Rodgers writes:
       Well into its third year, the administration flourishes, operating much like any other small government, with much support and praise from the Catawba people whom it governs. 
By: Domeka Parker

Indian Country Today. Onieda,N.Y.:Aug 15, 2007. Vol 27, Iss. 10: pg. B2, 1 pgs

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